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Thursday, March 14, 2013

Welcome to Petra Island

Disclaimer:  This was a class assignment to develop a Utopian blog for middle school gifted class.

"What is perfect?"

    By looking at the pictures in the collage, we can tell that the different pictures show that everyone's Utopia is not the same. Each person has a different viewpoint. Therefore, everyone's thought of a Utopia might be different. For example, in the picture of the two places, one picture is of a damaged building or area and the other is of a nice vacation place. The person who lived in the damaged area idea of an Utopia would probably be a strongly built area. The people who lived in the place held for vacations would probably want a paradise. Another example is the picture of the children. The child that doesn't have a lot of food to eat would wish for more food to eat. The child with plenty of food would want more technology and wouldn't even think of food. That's why the viewpoint of each person affects the person's idea of a Utopia.
Motto, Seal, Flag

1.The motto that our Utopians will follow is " Live and Work Together in Happiness and to Make Peace Forever."


3.                       This is our flag. The Petra Flag is what we call it