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Thursday, March 14, 2013

Welcome to Petra Island

Disclaimer:  This was a class assignment to develop a Utopian blog for middle school gifted class.

"What is perfect?"

    By looking at the pictures in the collage, we can tell that the different pictures show that everyone's Utopia is not the same. Each person has a different viewpoint. Therefore, everyone's thought of a Utopia might be different. For example, in the picture of the two places, one picture is of a damaged building or area and the other is of a nice vacation place. The person who lived in the damaged area idea of an Utopia would probably be a strongly built area. The people who lived in the place held for vacations would probably want a paradise. Another example is the picture of the children. The child that doesn't have a lot of food to eat would wish for more food to eat. The child with plenty of food would want more technology and wouldn't even think of food. That's why the viewpoint of each person affects the person's idea of a Utopia.
Motto, Seal, Flag

1.The motto that our Utopians will follow is " Live and Work Together in Happiness and to Make Peace Forever."


3.                       This is our flag. The Petra Flag is what we call it

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Architeture and Growth

    In our Utopia, the weather is very warm and sunny. The average high is 80 degrees Farenheit. The average low is 45 degrees Fahrenheit. Because of the amount of  sunlight, they are many solar panels. We think that using this type of energy can save our citizens a lot of money. Even though it is very sunny, it is not very hot. It gets chilly at night. In th winter, it is usually pretty cold and rainy. In the summer, it is warm and has very little precipitation. Citizens think the summer is the best time of the year because they love to go swimming and have picnics with their family. There is a border around Petra Island. The reason for the border is to protect our citizens from people from other countries.

Thursday, February 14, 2013


    In our Utopia, the king or queen rules. Even though our ruler is a king or queen, the ruler doesn't have all power. The citizens are highly involved in our government. The king or queen makes the important decisions, but the citizens get to speak up. For instance, the citizens get to vote for the rulers and other positions such as congress. The citizens have the right to elect anyone into royalty. However, there are requirements to be a king or queen. The person must be 25 years of age or older. The person must have a college education.  The person also has to have lived in Petra Island for at least 10 years. There are many other requirements to be a queen or king.

Our set of laws:

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

 A. In our Utopia, the citizens can practice any religion they want. However, Christianity is the main religion in our Utopia. There are also many races in our Utopia. The main languages spoken in our community are English and Spanish. No one speaks Chinese, Japanese, or Italian. French is spoken in our Utopia, but there are only a few French citizens. The average wage for a worker is $350 a week. Some workers make more than that if their occupation is a doctor, nurse, dentist, or lawyer. Some workers get less than the average if they are working at a convenient store, janitor, or fast food restaurant. Some groups in our Utopia are groups that are helping our community to be a better place. These groups focus on recycling and raising money for schools and parks. Children are very important to our communtiy because they are our future.

Some people have jobs as a community planner. Here is the job desription for a community planner:

              B.   -  Reading Comprehension - Understanding written sentences and paragraphs in work related documents.
                   -Active Listening - Giving full attention to what other people are saying, taking time to understand the points being made, asking questions as appropriate, and not interrupting at inappropriate times.
                   -Speaking - Talking to others to convey information effectively.
                   - Writing - Communicating effectively in writing as appropriate for the needs of the audience.
                   -Critical Thinking - Using logic and reasoning to identify the strengths and weaknesses of alternative solutions, conclusions or approaches to problems.

C. The poem is about being together as a community and no man should be alone.